Spare a Thought this Christmas
Spare a thought this Christmas, for all those who work in the tourism industry in the UK in general, but the ones in the county of North Yorkshire particularly. North Yorkshire - God's Own County - our "patch". Possibly the only county in the whole of England where tourism is the major driver in the economy. The tourism & hospitality industry has taken the biggest "hit" throughout the entire pandemic in the UK. There was an all-too-brief respite when the first lockdown was lifted and there was a surge in last-minute staycation bookings (as we said would happen on BBC Look North back in April), but things remain grim. Whilst the NHS has been much praised this year, much praise was due to the delivery drivers, shop staff, postal staff and couriers. They kept things going and stayed out of the limelight. We owe them a huge debt of thanks. We give a huge shout out to all the local business-owners, who resolutely pressed on during the most difficult of times. We ...