No Freebies!

Something that has been causing irritation at VNY Towers recently is the number of small tourism & hospitality businesses getting in touch and asking if they can advertise with us. Getting in touch? Great! That's fantastic! So why is it causing irritation? Because you get back to said businesses (something that immediately sets us apart from some competitors, who don't respond at all!) and explain about memberships, the benefits and the relatively (if we are honest) low cost. Then it goes quiet. For one reason. THEY WANT IT FOR FREE They're a small business, but then so are we. But they want your services, your time, your effort and the opportunities offered by the extremely high level of "Reach" that our channels enjoy - for nothing. Ultimately that is what they are saying - " We want what you offer, but we value it at zero. " Would they let you have their property for a week for free? Of course not. Condider this; You own a holiday property and a ...